Sunday 16 May 2010

We are still at the museum. Being so close to home it's given our families the ideal opportunity to come out and visit. So we've spent three days here in total. On the Thursday we met up with Mum & Dad D.

On Friday we were on our own and had another look around the museum, and did a bit more ship spotting and walked down to the ship canal.

The captain has now decided she wants a boat THIS BIG!

Being locked in the museum at night meant we had to make our own fun. We are getting very resourceful / sad. Delete as applicable.

Today we had a visit form Mum & Dad B, Big sister and the kids. We put the young'uns on a boat handling course.

It didn't go well..............................

So we tried the young fella with some manual work, ahh well we can always use him as a fender.

While Mr B caught up with an old relative?

For tonight's entertainment, we cut a length of rope free that had wrapped itself around the prop.

Between us, good teamwork and determination.

We were VICTORIOUS ! and a little wet and mucky.