We still haven't seen a working boat despite all the warnings in the guide book, but as we got closer to the sea the boats we did see got bigger!

We stopped just short of Sharpness as it still has working docks, but there is little else here just a great view over the Severn estuary to Wales..
So we mounted our trusty steeds and went to find the very end of the canal.
One very orange jacket saw it's first public outing too.
The canal terminates at a tidal basin with what would have been a huge set of lock gates out to the sea. They have been blocked up now and we weren't about to venture any further. Apparently the Severn has the third highest tidal range in the world. Not narrow boat friendly.
Though the railways tried it.
Until a ship wiped it out one foggy night. The bridge is long gone, but the ship that did the damage can still be seen at low water. As too can the remains of the railway swing bridge where it passed over the canal.
Tomorrow we turn around and start heading back up stream to the Avon.