First we had a tunnel to get through, wide enough for two boats to pass, which is a bit unusual. With another tunnel half way up the hillside for the tow path. How they got the old boats through I don't know.
Then we arrived at our first lock. Oh dear, neither of us had realised the Grand Union is a broad canal.
Oh eck this is going to be hard work we thought. Our salvation came around the corner in the shape of a yellow holiday boat. Luckily for us it was one of the rare ones where the crew knew what they were doing.
Then the day really began, so there aren't any more pictures. Once you start there is no time for anything else. Though the lock gear is a bit unusual, it's big and works well. The locks fill and empty really quickly.
All was going well until we met another boat coming up the locks who had managed to drain the pound between us, then ran himself aground for added entertainment.
Then it was a run through Warwick, not much seen apparently, we carried on to Leamington Spa. Where we stopped at a canal side supermarket and stocked up. Before heading back out into the countryside to moor up for the night.
Tomorrow, more locks and hopefully the Oxford canal