Then carried on our merry way, it dawned on us that things had changed.
The canal was well maintained, no over hanging trees or encroaching reed beds. The tow path was wide and properly made up. There were many more boats moored up and there was a holiday boat around every corner. What happened? what a difference a lock makes.
We can only think that to most people the Caen hill flight is just too much like hard work so they don't bother going that way.
This was more like what we expected of the K&A, pretty and full of holiday boaters. We've moored at a little place called Limpley Stoke, daft name but we are in Somerset now you know. We got on our bikes and rode to Dundas aqueduct, apparently the key feature of the K&A, though we've never heard of it or seen a photo of it ??? What about Caen hill, now that's impressive.
Though you have to admit it is a fine structure.
Though the captain does have a heart stopping habit of climbing over things like this to get a better view.
Tomorrow we'll be in Bath and we'll find a spa to calm her down and settle my nerves.