We set off bright and early this morning to arrive at Teddington lock in time to catch the tide to take us through London. We'd been dreading it. The lock gates opened and the Thames was as placid as it has been all the way.
Though the tide was pulling us through the water pretty quickly. We saw 8.3 mph might not sound much but when you spend your days at 3.5 mph that's quick! We quickly grew accustomed to our new found speed, settled down and watched the sights go by.
We only met two or three boats all the way to Vauxhall bridge. Though their wakes threw us about a bit it was nothing to worry about. We passed by the MI6 building, James Bonds, head office.
Things got a little bit more interesting! The boats got bigger, faster, closer and more frequent. Each adding to the waves caused by the last. Pitching in two or three feet of swell may not sound much, but on a boat made for still water it's terrifying. Though nowhere near as " oh my god we are going to die " scary as rolling side to side. Mix in both together and it makes for an adrenalin soaked thrill ride.
It might not look like much, you had to be there. Which we were and have photos to prove it.
We ticked off the must see sights as we went. All credit to the captain, taking photos in those conditions was no mean feat.
Then came the main goal of the trip.
Thankfully things calmed down after this, though a sight seeing boat gave us a final farewell by swamping our rear deck on his way by. Then it was just the last mile to Limehouse.
I have never been so relieved to see a lock.
We celebrated with pizza, ice cream and lashings of ginger beer. Then broke out the Champagne we had saved from the wedding. It seemed fitting, the highlight of the trip also marks our furthest point from home and the start of the return journey.
Will canals ever be the same again after today?