Another leisurely morning, and off in search of adventure and a washing machine. We seemed to be of great interest to the cows today ????
We arrived at the top of the Bosley flight of twelve locks where there is a convenient way station complete with toilets, showers , laundry, water and waste.
We filled up with water, dumped our rubbish, had a long luxurious shower ( not our water or gas ) but no laundry. You needed a BW payment card which we didn't have. We could get one two days down the line from a BW office. Which just happens to be the weekend, and you guessed it the offices shut on the weekends. Hey who needs clean clothes anyway.
Then we made our way down the flight.
Then we moored up at the bottom on a monumental embankment, or I imagine it's very impressive, you can't see it when you're sat on top of it. It was an early finish today so it gave me time to indulge in my new obsession. Cheese coiling the ropes.
Yes I know it's a bit sad, decorating them with rubber ducks maybe a step too far even for me. The captain runs a tight ship and everything has to be ship shape and Bristol fashion.
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